Coding Standard
Highlighted PHP code of the file /library/Dot/Sample/Class.php
* DotKernel (1.7) Coding Standard Sample File
* All files must be UTF8 , with endline UNIX style, and .php extension
* File level and class level docblock required
* Indent = 1 tab (required)
* Closing PHP Tag Prohibited
* 80 characters per line recommended, at most 120 characters
* Short tags not allowed
* FILENAME: Dot/Sample/Class.php
* @category DotKernel
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2009-2013 DotBoost Technologies Inc. (
* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
* @version $Id: $
* Description of Class. Class Name Always Start with Capital Letter
* @category DotKernel
* @package DotLibrary
* @subpackage DotSample
* @author DotKernel Team <>
class Dot_Sample_Class extends Dot_Other_Class
* Constants use an underscore to separate words
const CONSTANT_NAME = 'Must be all uppercase';
* Description of property. always start with lowercase letter
* @var type
public $sampleClassProperty;
* Description of Private property.
* always start with underscore , followed by lowercase letter
private $_samplePrivatePropriety;
* Description of Protected property.
* always start with underscore , followed by lowercase letter
protected $_sampleProtectedPropriety;
* Function name should be verbose and descriptive and must be written in camelCase
* always start with lowercase letter
* Private and Protected function names must begin with an underscore
* Class methods must always declare visibility
* Methods must have a docblock with the function description,
* all of the arguments, and all possible return values
* @param type $arg1
* @param type $arg2
* @return type
public function thisIsADescriptiveFunctionName($arg1, $arg2)
//variable names should be verbose and descriptive
$variableName = 'Must be in camelCase';
return $variableName;
* Description of method.
* Method name always start with underscore and lowercase letter
protected function _thisMethodBeginsWithUnderscore()
$string = 'Use single quotes unless substituting variables';
//Control structure
if ($string == true)
echo 'String is set';
echo 'String is not set';